* If you know of someone interested in joining Blackhawk, please forward this newsletter to them.
This course is for girls who have completed first through sixth grade. This fun,
Class structure: ● One 2-hour session on Sunday, July 19, 2-4 PM ● 6 ladies per coach (12 ladies max) ● Held at East Chalet (by ski jumps)
Blackhawk's trail system has seen tremendous growth and improvement during the past 5 years.
We have:
Winter Race Season - Begins the first week in November through mid-March (beginner biathletes will start their season the first week in December).
Volunteers of the Year: 2020-2021
Have you wondered how snowmaking works at Blackhawk? The club utilizes (4) portable snow fans and numerous fixed position lance-style snow guns ("sticks").
Nordic Kids - https://www.dropbox.com/s/v9jyuacypsiwkw5/Nordic%20Kids2.mp4?dl=0