* If you know of someone interested in joining Blackhawk, please forward this newsletter to them.
Seasons of Change

While there are sure to be a few more hot days ahead of us, the cooler nights are a sign that summer is ebbing away. On the last night of youth mountain bike lessons, a few riders hung around despite the dark clouds rolling around to the north. Riding south toward the Hub, my son and I felt the wind pick up and the temperature drop and humidity dissipate. It felt like fall! Even though it was sill nearly 80 degrees, it reminded us that fall is on the way!
Virtual Open House: September 13, 7pm via ZOOM

Join us for an evening of questions and answers with board members and program directors. At 7pm our Club Treasurer, Rick Hardy, will give an overview of our club and introduce our board. Patrick Remington will then update us on safety protocols at Blackhawk to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. You will then have a chance to join different programs in their break out rooms for questions. Please check out each programs’ web page at blackhawkskiclub.org before joining the call for an overview of each program.
Here is the link to our Zoom call: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88113088275
09/13/2020 @ 7:00pm
Let your friends know: Registration for Annual Memberships and Programs is just around the corner!

September 14 at 7pm we will open registration for returning annual (year-long) members (limited and unlimited access memberships from 2019-2020). Returning annual members will receive invitation codes in a separate email. At that time you may renew your membership, sign up for programs, and indicate how you would like to volunteer this coming season. For the renewal process, you will need to enter the invitation code to review your family profile information prior to putting a membership in your cart. Then you may select programs and check out. Please review the Programs pages at blackhawkskiclub.org to see latest updates on COVID preparedness and plans for a safe season for each program. General COVID safety measures for the club can be found at the link on the front page.This is not currently working, it sends me to SCP Staff profile page.
September 28 marks the date for signing up for new memberships. This includes all 2021 summer-only members. The process includes filling out a profile for each member. Once you have completed this process, you will only need to review it in years following. Once you have selected a membership, it will be in your cart. You may select available programs to put in your cart and check out along with your membership.
All memberships and program sign-ups will be sent a confirmation email from Blackhawk Ski Club. More details from individual programs will be sent closer to their start dates. All questions may be directed to each program’s director. Contact information for directors is on the program pages.
Refund Policy

Blackhawk Ski Club works year-round to ensure safe, enjoyable outdoor ski and bike experiences for members of all ages. Many of the costs associated with our club are on-going throughout the year in preparation for making and maintaining snow for the winter season. Our programs also rely on coaches and instructors to commit their time and resources to teach classes and purchases of equipment. Therefore, we cannot offer refunds on memberships and other purchases. In the event that we cannot deliver programs as originally planned, we will make further accommodations to abide with safety guidelines as put forward by Dane County. In the event that all businesses must close, we will make every effort to provide a safe, outdoor experience for members.
Volunteer Work Days
A big, “Thank You” to all the volunteers past and present helping at the club! The sense of community and Blackhawk Pride is bursting at the seams. We are looking for more!!
We have a few projects to finish this fall and a few others we would like to start. We have been successful in managing individual, small group and larger group volunteering efforts within the current COVID-19 standards.
Again, if you can take a few hours out of your week and lend a hand to the Club in any of the categories below it would be greatly appreciated! Please respond noting your areas of interest, skills, etc. and we will help you get started.
Mowing, weed whacking, lawn care and beautification
Wood cutting, splitting and stacking
Carpentry - rough and finish work
Organizational and computer skills
What other skills do you have? Let us know!