Location: 10222 Blackhawk Road (West Chalet) and 10118 Blackhawk Road (East Chalet). Each side has a gate.
To get to the Pines (East Chalet): Enter the east driveway (closest to Pleasant View Rd) and stay to the right at the fork in the road. Continue until you come to the parking lot of the chalet.
To get to the West Chalet: Enter the driveway closest to Twin Valley Rd.
Alpine Skiing & Snowboarding Hours of Operation*
Click Here to Check Ski Hill Conditions
Non-Holiday Hours (2024-2025 season, weather permitting)
Saturday 12:30pm to 6:00pm
Sunday 12:30pm to 6:00pm
Monday 4:00pm to 6:00pm (West Side only, Leonard's Way and Hill 6 are closed for weekday open ski hours)
Wednesday 4:00pm to 6:30pm (West Side only, Leonard's Way and Hill 6 are closed for weekday open ski hours)
Friday 5:00pm to 8:00pm (West Side only, Leonard's Way and Hill 6 are closed for weekday open ski hours)
Holiday Hours (2024-2025 season, weather permitting)
Saturday, Dec 21st. 12pm-5pm
Sunday, Dec 22nd 12pm-5pm
Monday, Dec 23rd 12pm-5pm
Tuesday, Dec 24th (Christmas Eve) 12pm-3pm
Wedsday, Dec 25th (Christmas) – CLOSED
Thursday, Dec 26th 12pm-5pm
Friday, Dec 27th 12pm-5pm
Saturday, Dec 28th 12pm-5pm
Sunday, Dec 29th 12pm-5pm
Monday, Dec 30th 12pm-5pm
Tuesday, Dec 31st, (New Year’s Eve) 12pm-3pm
Wedsnesday, Jan 1st, (New Year’s Day) - CLOSED
Thursday, Jan 2nd 12pm-5pm
Friday, Jan 3rd 12pm-5pm
Monday, January 20th 12pm-5pm
*Full Access Members Only
Cross-Country Skiing**
Open 24 Hours to Members Only
**Full Access and Limited Access Members Only
Click Here to Check Ski Trail Conditions
Winter Fat Biking
Dec-April, when trails are frozen or snow-covered.
Click Here for Biking Trail Conditions
Winter Parking
To get to the Siberian Hwy (Biathlon Haus, Ski Jump Chalet, Machine Shed):
Driving: 4WD is required to drive to the bottom of Blackhawk and the artificial snow loop. Enter the east driveway (closest to Pleasant View Rd) and stay to the left at the fork, going down the steep hill and passing the Biathlon Haus to the parking area for the ski jumping chalet and machine shed.
Walking: To access the Siberian Hwy without 4WD, park in the western part of the West Chalet parking lot. Walk down the side of the nordic trail between the ski trail and the mountain bike trail. Please do not walk directly on the ski trail (except to cross at the bottom) as it leaves boot depressions that cause melting and icing. Take caution when crossing the trail.
Skiing: Advanced skiers may park in the western part of the West Chalet parking lot and ski down the nordic trail on the western side of hill 1 and 2. Advanced skiers may also access the Siberian Hwy by skiing down hill 6 when conditions allow.
Not recommended: walking down ski jump stairs
Not allowed: walking down driveway, any kind of sledding anywhere on the property
Mountain Biking
Allowed at any time, April-November, except when trails are wet.
Click Here for Biking Trail Conditions
Land, Facilities, EquipmentOn our 60 acres of land we have downhill and cross country ski trails, four ski jumps, a new biathlon facility that includes an 8-point range and five miles of mountain bike trails. We are in the midst of revamping our outreach program, and we have an active Ski Patrol that is affiliated with the National Ski Patrol System to promote safe skiing. Over the years, we have built facilities and acquired maintenance equipment, including four heated chalets, snowmaking equipment, and machines to keep the slopes well groomed. Facility Map