
Want to sell, swap, or give away ski or snowboard gear? Looking for new gear? We can help.

Join us for workdays to get the club ready for winter. Workdays will be on 10/12 and 10/26. There will be a number of projects (some kid friendly) on October 12.

As fall begins and the leaves start to turn, it's a great time to hit the trails for biking, hiking, and walking.

In this last month of summer, we hope you’re enjoying the trails! Here’s the news from Blackhawk! 

Here in the heart of midsummer, we hope you’re having a blast getting out on the trails and spending time in this beautiful p

  • Returning member registration begins Tuesday, 9/10 at 7pm

As the summer heat descends upon us, we’re enjoying seeing so many of you on the trails and otherwise enjoying the property!

We hope you’re enjoying the trails this spring!

Native Bloodroot blooming on Hill 5 at Blackhawk Ski Club

Signs of spring are emerging at the club, and we’re excited to see you on the trails! Please obey our posted speed li

Congratulations and thank you to our volunteers of the year, who have put countless hours, boundless energy, and heaps of caring into the work they do for Blackhawk.


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