We are a volunteer run club and encourage every member to volunteer at Blackhawk, so please let us know how you'd like to help by reviewing the volunteer options below and signing up or emailing the listed contact. Thanks!
Winter Volunteer Opportunities
- Snowmaking Volunteers: Set up snowmaking equipment, often at night (usually 8pm-10pm) or take it down in the morning.
- Winter Carnival: Plan or help at the winter carnival in February (Winter 2025 date tbd) from 12-3pm. We will need volunteers for games, set up, serving food/beverage, and clean up.
Snow Removal: Weeknight and Weekend help with snow removal, including shoveling sidewalk to chalets on weekends and helping with sand and when needed. Operate the Kubota and plow in areas not reached by the snow removal service and for light snow in between service and monitoring shoveling of steps/walkways.
Chalet checkers: Sign up for a day of the week to check on the chalets. Tidy up when needed, empty trash and recycling as needed, place items in lost and found, alert Board to out of stock items.
Alpine Ski & Snowboard: Contact Kelley Linnan
Nordic: Contact xckids@blackhawkskiclub.org
Ski Patrol: We need a couple of enthusiastic people to fill out our 2024-25 toboggan training class, which starts in December.
Winter Ambassadors: Share your knowledge of the club with new people and get to ski at the same time. We are looking for both Alpine and Nordic skiers to be at the club during open ski hours and a member to coordinate the winter ambassador program.
Mandatory Rope Tow Monitoring for Full Access Members
All Full Access members are required to sign up for one two-hour shift monitoring the rope tow. Link to signup.
- Full Access Member Tow Rope Safety Training: During registration, we asked all full access members to acknowledge that tow rope monitor training was required. This training will take place the first weekend in December during alpine lessons (9am-12pm). When everyone is trained, we can ensure the tows will operate! Training may also be arranged with your team (jumping, BART, Telemark).
- Tow Rope Monitor Coordinator: We are in need of a leader for a sign-up application to organize tow rope monitors. This fulfills all shifts for your family.
- Tow Rope Monitor Shifts: Our tows must be monitored during operation. Adults/teens over 16 may sign up for shifts throughout the year. At least two shifts per family are required.
Spring/Summer Volunteer Opportunities
- Club-wide Workdays: Help lead specific projects and/or guide members as they complete work, wood splitting, and stacking. Kids welcome!
- Trail & Facility Maintenance: Mow & weed whack ski and bike/hike trails, maintain mountain bike trails (clear drains, rocks), general facility maintenance. Contact bike@blackhawkskiclub.org if interested.
- Events: Help organize and set up open house; help organize or lead tours for new members in the fall; help plan and organize winter carnival.
- Mountain Bike Instructors: Contact Kelley Linnan.
- Mountain Bike Ambassadors: Ride the trails in a spiffy yellow shirt and help other riders, answer questions, and generally be a friendly, supportive face on the trails. Contact bike@blackhawkskiclub.org if interested.
- Chalet checkers: Check the chalets weekly. Tidy up when needed, empty trash and recycling as needed, place items in lost and found, alert Board to out of stock items.
Opportunities from home
Master Plan: Looking for volunteers to join our master plan committee. Help with planning meetings, summarizing notes, and keeping the plan moving forward.
Administrative Assistance: Organize files using Office 365, organize and archive historical materials, assist in grant applications, and complete monthly club mailings.
Communications Volunteers: Help with website, social media, and newsletter.
Events: Help organize and set up open house; help organize or lead tours for new members in the fall; help plan and organize winter carnival and other club-wide events.
Contact kelsey.berg@blackhawkskiclub.org to let us know how you're interested in helping out.
Fall Volunteering Opportunities
- Wood Splitting Volunteers: Channel your inner lumberjack and split some wood to heat the chalets this winter!
- Workdays: Pop up workdays to prep the hills and trails for winter, kids are often welcome
- New Member Tours: Looking for current members to lead tours for new members in October and November