What a whirlwind of a season! From the up and down weather to an extra weekend of skiing (thank you, Ski Patrol!), we have really seen it all this year! Our vibrant youth programs saw kids who have never worn a pair of skis of any kind become confident on them, while meeting friends and experiencing the great outdoors. Others climbed on podiums in alpine, jumping, and nordic competitions, and some took their athleticism to the national and international level. Adults in every age range found Blackhawk Ski Club to be their happy place this winter, one of the few places around with our winter standby – snow. None of it would have been possible without our volunteer snowmaking crew, led by Joe House and Rick Hardy, and prinoth grooming crew. And their work would not be possible without our lead snowmaker and all-around facilities manager, Casey Bingham and our mechanic, Craig Kleinsteiber.
It has been my humble pleasure to serve as Blackhawk Ski Club’s president for the past three years. I have learned that it takes everyone’s willingness to cooperate and help out to keep a club with diverse athletic activities thriving. We are our best when we work together to see everyone – and our youth in particular – achieve their goals. As I sign off in this role, I look forward to seeing continued development in our programs, stewardship in our interactions with the land we call Blackhawk, and community among our members. Thank you for your support, and Happy Spring!
Amy Grunewald Mattison, Club President
Nordic Kids Cookie Race
Over 150 kids challenged themselves in our annual Nordic Kids Cookie Races March 5, where everyone skis as far as they can in 30 minutes and receives a home-created cookie medal! Congratulations to all our young Nordic skiers!
We are grateful for our amazing team of Ski Patrollers! It’s been really exciting to see so many new faces on ski patrol in the past couple of years, too. Pictured below are LaDonna, Heather, and Karen during a Sunday afternoon shift, all of whom have kids ranging from 6 to 12, who are involved in alpine lessons, including as youth instructors. If you’re interested in joining these awesome women and the rest of our incredible ski patrol, please let us know! Email Rob Kudrle for more info, and learn more here.
Ski Jumping News: Spring/Summer Jumping Programs are OPEN, and a Recap of our February Tournament!
On February 12, Blackhawk held its 76th Annual Ski Jumping Tournament. Thanks to the many volunteers who worked countless hours to get our hills ready to jump in the unseasonably warm 45-degree weather. This year, Blackhawk had a record 57 jumpers competing in the tournament. We were especially excited to have kids who participated in the X-Ploration and Intro to Ski Jumping classes join the fun. Along with all of the kids from Blackhawk, we had kids participating from three states. 87 competitors jumped our 8-. 18-, and 30-meter jumps, with Blackhawk jumpers placing either first, second, or third on all our hills.
Thanks to Coaches Shawn Arneson, Noah Pollard, and Erik Gessner for helping teach kids the techniques needed to excel at ski jumping.
If your kids want to try ski jumping, they don’t have to wait until next winter to jump. Blackhawk has special tracks and plastic on our landing hills that allow kids to train year-round.
Spring/Summer jumping programs are now open, and parents can sign kids up on the Blackhawk website. Under the Membership tab, click on MEMBER ACCOUNT. On the left side of the screen under ACCOUNT, you can click on Register. From there, you can either sign up for Intro to Summer Ski jumping or Summer Team Jumping.
Intro lessons will take place from 6:15-7:00 p.m. beginning Tuesday, May 9th through Tuesday, June 13th.
Jumpers should be dressed and ready to jump at 6:15 p.m.
Lessons canceled due to weather will be made up on Thursdays, when possible.
Parents must stay at the jumps during practice!
Ski Jumping Team Practices are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Soccer and warm-ups run from 6:00-6:20 p.m.
Jumpers should be dressed and ready to jump by 6:30 p.m.
Spring/Summer ski jumping runs from Tuesday, May 2nd through Thursday, June 29th.
Parents must stay at the jumps during practice!
If you have any questions you can contact Girly Gessner at jumping@blackhawkskiclub.org
Save the Dates:
Registration opens for Hiking/Biking Memberships April 1
Registration opens for youth mtn bike lessons April 4, 7pm
BNST Middle School Spring Training (pilot program): Mondays, April 17-May 22, time TBD
Annual Meeting April 17, 7pm at the West Chalet, with social hour!
Spring Work Day April 29
Summer Volunteering opportunities