Donate to Fund Blackhawk's High Capacity Well!

We continue to fundraise to pay for the remaining costs associated with our high capacity well: permitting, drilling, piping, electrical, and the pump itself. Our new infrastructure allows us to make as much snow as possible during our increasingly rare windows of ideal temperatures and humidity, without waiting to refill the pond, which will also decrease our impact on the ecology of the pond. Efficient snowmaking impacts all of our winter programs directly, and all of our programs and memberships indirectly – running a more efficient snowmaking operation allows more funds for other things at the club. We are at a crucial moment in our club’s nearly 75-year history to choose to support snow sports at Blackhawk for generations to come. We are asking all of our members and those who have benefited from our Club at different times in their lives to consider joining the Board in giving financial support to pay for the well. Please consider donating today! Donate here.

Thank you again to our volunteer snowmakers and nightly groomers, led by our Facilities Chair, Joe House, for providing us with a fantastic start to our winter season. Casey Bingham's experience in snowmaking and grooming is a key part of our fantastic conditions. And every machine-dependent operation relies on the knowledge and hard work of a skilled mechanic, and that person at our club is Craig Kleinstieber. Thank you all so much!

Questions or interested in volunteering? Please let us know:  

The Blackhawk Board of Directors